Now that we have looked at the first part of building a business page with all the front loading and optimization let’s dig into CONTENT.
STEP TWO is focused on all things CONTENT and what this means for your business page.
Let’s start at the top of the page and work down…Your profile picture needs to represent you and your business perfectly. If you are the face of your business then set that as your picture. If you are a shop then use your logo or products.
Just make sure it is a clear, concise photo and the dimensions are set correctly.
When people land on your page they want to be drawn in by your content. You want images that STAND OUT. We are visual people and those visually appealing images are what keep us interested and coming back for more.
Compelling Content is huge for your business, So what do you post?
One of the biggest questions out there about social media is what kind of content you should put out. There are so many ways to go about this but at the end of the day, you want to listen to your audience.
You can share fun holidays, exciting and engaging content each month with wacky days. There truly is an international or national day for EVERYTHING! So, google search for fun monthly holidays and plug these in on days where you may be having writer’s block.
Once you have done that then look at your analytics after a month of consistently posting and see what your audience is truly engaging with or drawn to. You don’t want to post about those silly days if that is not what your audience desires. Each month your analytics will show you just what you should continue to do or start doing more with the content you share.
Something else that is a key factor in content creation is creating content pillars that will help you to get out consistent and relevant content. Choose about 5-6 content pillars and plan according to those guiding topics.
Some content pillars can be educating, promoting, fun/engaging, business tips, employees, the face of the business, behind the scenes, etc. Next, you want to establish a “look” for your brand on social media.
What do I mean exactly?
How do you want your content to look
What colors will you use
Same filters
Stock photos or business photos
These are just a few ideas, you are going to want to keep a streamlined look on your news feed so that you can truly represent yourself fully to your target audience.
The last piece of the puzzle with content is the captions/copy. This is the last piece as this is what will cause people to click off of your social media page and land on your website or a call. The ultimate goal in social media is to connect to your audience, clients, and customers so that they know you and your business. Then they are truly able to decide if they want to take the next steps in working together.
As if this all isn’t overwhelming enough you want to be able to grab your audience in 150-2,000 characters in your caption. And let’s be honest NO one wants to sit and read 2,000 characters on a social media post. SO- you want to keep it to a short and sweet post.
Now here is a trick that I think is HUGE in the piece of captions: the first two lines are the only thing that appears when people are scrolling their newsfeed, sooooo what does that mean?
That means that you want to grab their attention enough in those first two lines that they click to read more - BOOM engagement steps one. Then as they keep reading will like the post- BOOM engagement step two. And then will they want to head to your website to learn more or send you a direct message- BOOM engagement step three.
When it comes to your captions you want to say them clearly and efficiently. If it is too much and is going to be a long read then leave them wanting more so they finish the content on your website. You want them to head to your “space” and off of social media and this is the perfect way to do it.
Now with anything I share it is a suggestion and things I have seen work. Does that mean if you DO NOT do these things you won’t have a successful strategy? NO WAY! You can take pieces that work for you and implement them until you are comfortable or try to take these ideas and make them your own.