What are you doing?

When you start a new job many times people want to know what you are doing?  What qualifies you?  What makes you think you are the best fit? All normal questions for sure and typical questions to be asked throughout your careers.

My entire career has been teaching and it is all I have ever known.  You don’t usually have to explain what you do as a teacher, just what grade and what school.  What do you do when you are starting a business and you are explaining it to the world?  Or what do you do if you are learning a business as you are launching it? How do you explain that to people when you yourself are trying to figure it all out. 

Explaining what a virtual assistant does or what a social media manager does is not the easiest to explain.  This job comes with a wide range of possibilities and at the start trying to figure that out your area of expertise is not easy.  So many times we jump into a specific business and think it has to be figured out from the start but that may not always be the best method.  

So, let’s think it through a little more.  

Why do we think we have to know it all up front?  That is not how it always happens.  Jump in full force and learn along the way and share that journey of what you are learning.  

So here are my top three things to do when starting your business:

  1. Pray about it, yes, I genuinely believe that you need to pray over and think this through before you take that first step.

  2. Then start: read, research, watch videos, follow people who are doing similar work - learning as you go and seeing real life examples of how it is being done can be super helpful.

  3. Be confident in what you know and be BOLD about the choice to start your business.  No one wants to work for or with someone who is unsure, so FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT!!!!

The scariest thing is not actually starting, the scariest thing is sitting and wondering what could have happened IF you had started.  Don’t regret anything JUST GO FOR IT!


A Morning Routine Matters


What exactly does a Social Media Manager do?