Need help finding your niche?

Have you been wanting to niche down for your small business but don’t know what to focus on?

Believe it or not, taking a step back and getting out of your head, can help. Sometimes when we are too in it, we can’t see anything but the 4 walls closing in.

Here are four questions to ask yourself:

Who do you want to be?

  • Do you want to be an influencer?

  • Do you want to be a Social Media Manager?

  • Do you want to be a Content writer/ Content creator?

  • Do you want to launch a creative brand?

What problems are you solving for other people?

  • Are you always giving relationship advice?

  • Are you always giving styling tips?

  • Are you always giving business advice?

  • Are you always giving legal advice?

What are you most passionate about? What is something you could talk about for hours?

  • Can you do this on a whim? With no preparation, you get so excited to talk about it. You don’t have to be the best at this. Just knowledgeable and passionate.

Who do you want to connect with? Who is your ideal client?

  • I know you have probably heard this before, “ If you are speaking to everyone, you’re speaking to no one.” There is some truth to this. When you're putting out your content or creating videos, who are you thinking about, and who do you want to impact when they see your content? Think about who is on the other side of your device screen. 

If there is more than one group of people that you're wanting to connect with, then find a common thread within those groups of people.

Do get so caught up in being perfect. We are all imperfect people and everyone just wants an authentic connection. 

Be true. 

Be inspiring. 

Be an authentic “best version” of yourself. 

Show up and show out! 

Would you like some help in narrowing your business style?


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