Here's why I chose to start a Social Media management business.
My entire life has been planned out to the last detail. I am not sure why I felt this was a necessary thing to do but it was just how I operated. I am not saying that everything was perfect and fell right into place, but I had an idea of how I wanted my life to happen.
Here’s how it went:
Graduate high school (done)
Go to Meredith (done)
Start a teaching career (done)
Get Engaged (done)
Buy a house (done)
Build a house and move back near family (done)
Start a family (done)
But here I sit completely shocked at where life is going now. I have never wanted to be an enterprenur - that was my husband. I only had one skill and that was to teach kids. One day he told me that it wasn’t my only skill and that there were many platforms and ways to teach.
I had never thought of it that way before, but it made sense. So, I started a make up business with a company I love. I work that business part time and it is so much fun. I teach other ladies how to do their make up and share my love for it. I do make up videos and tutorials which is so exciting. I have friends who order and my team is growing as well. Blessed, is the only feeling I can say I feel when it comes to that sweet opportunity. There just still was something missing.
With that business I have learned how to use facebook and instagram to build a business. Social media is no longer just a place to post and cruise, it is my business platform. Launching a business page on social media is a huge market right now. I have watched countless videos on how to grow a business with network marketing strategies and using Facebook and Instagram as my primary platform.
Now, that has been fun and honestly I think that is where I got my start, but fast forward to now a year later and I am helping a small business in my town expand their Facebook page and grow their business after re-opening. This page and opportunity has helped me pull in even more skills to add to my toolbox.
I also left out a small detail of this entire idea of my own business. Almost a year ago I met someone who is a killer entrepreneur, Becca. I spent one weekend with her and I was intrigued. This girl was younger than me. She was driven, she wasn’t afraid to take risks, she seemed to be on to something that I had never even imagined. Becca is amazing and I have picked her brain for months. I have studied her Pinterest boards, Instagram, blog and followed many other amazing women on Instagram who are doing this business known as “Virtual Assistants or Social Media Managers”. A year ago I didn’t even know that was a thing, but here I am currently enrolled in TWO courses with TWO amazing virtual/content coaches and I am feeling in my zone.
I have a path, I see the light, and I am excited about my journey. I am starting to embrace (very slowly because it is not my nature) - the unknown. God has opened doors that I did not even know existed one short year ago. As I type this very blog I am blown away by this opportunity that is in front of me and the chance to learn about this new way of doing business.
Stay tuned for this journey each week as I honestly don’t know how it will look from one week to the next.
~kaitlyn batten