Four Tips on how I stay on track in my work from home business..
These four tips help me stay on track with my business and my personal life….
Many of us go into these done-for-you-service businesses or remote jobs because we want a flexible schedule, but we still have a job to do. This is honestly something I keep playing over and over in my head. How can I really do my job well for my clients without sacrificing the time with my family. I chose this business because after years in education I was missing time with my husband and then my little boy. I am 110% all in kind of person, what about you?
I am going to devote everything to being the best at something so figuring out how to be that in my career and my family has been a battle I have fought from the beginning. Have I figured it out? HA, no! However, I am learning each day something new to do to be better at the balance needed to be good at my job and be a great wife and mom.
I want to share FOUR tips that I do to make sure I can get it all done and feel accomplished at the end of my day. Please know that some days things don’t go according to plan, so BE FLEXIBLE! That is huge to remember.
My tips for setting up a routine that works:
Get a planner that fits your need: Some people like a digital planner but I am not that girl. I need a planner I can hold in my hands and carry everywhere with me. I am the one who stands in the aisle at Target (did this just last night) searching through every planner to find the perfect one. And after about 15 minutes and walking down the aisle three (or more) times I found it. I have a planner that allows me to organize my month but then also allows me to organize my times each day, my tasks, my top three tasks, plan dinner and a spot for me to share my gratitude for that day. Does that not sound PERFECT?
Track your time: This is going to be a LIFESAVER. Set yourself a timer on your phone, watch or set up a timer on your desk. Chunk your time. I don’t know about you but as a working mom and wife I get distracted. My husband says I “squirrel” a lot, and I hate to admit he is right. So, set a timer for 30 minutes at a time and focus on one task, one client, one thing you want to accomplish in that time.
Walk away: Give yourself breaks during your workday to step away from your desk. I HAVE to do this. So I give myself 10-15 minute breaks throughout the day. When I step away and complete a house task, play with my little guy, get outside, or do a quick workout - I come back ready to tackle the next task.
Try to hit your TOP THREE tasks before the end of the day. If you miss one of those tasks then move it over to the next day. Limiting yourself to three major priority tasks will help you not feel like you “failed” that day. I tend to make a to do list that has about 20 things on it. HOLY MOLY why do I do this to myself. I end the day thinking, “Wow, I didn’t accomplish anything.” This is in fact not true but I put too much pressure on myself and that is not going to help me feel accomplished. So focus on the THREE things you need to have completed by the end of the day. You can do other things but those are the THREE things you want to make sure are done, so you feel like you accomplished what you needed to do.
Now there are more things you can do to get your schedule set but if I have learned anything in working from home and building my own business it is that these FOUR things have helped me stay focused and get work done but also be there for my family. They are my number one priority and I want them to know that, so this schedule helps me.
How do you set up your daily routine in a way that helps you focus on the priorities and get as much done as possible?