5 Things to Know about Instagram’s Algorithms

Algorithms can be a little confusing but understanding them can help boost your posts and ensure they make it to both your followers and a new audience!

Today we’re sharing five facts about Instagram’s algorithms that will help you understand and use them to your advantage!

Understanding Instagram’s Algorithms

1.     Instagram has multiple algorithms: Instagram has multiple types of content, which means it also has multiple algorithms for that content. The main Instagram feed has a different algorithm than the explore page, IGTV, or Instagram Reels. It is important to note, however, that regardless of the type of account you have (business, creator, or personal), all content is treated equally within the algorithm for that type of content. 

2.     The Feed Algorithm: The feed is the primary source of content for users. It includes content from the pages they follow as well as suggestions for new content. This algorithm calculates a ranking for posts based on four key factors: 

·       The type of content that the post includes such as photos or videos as well as what the subject of the post is and the current popularity of that subject.

·       The type of poster is also important; Instagram considers whether the post was created by a friend or by someone who posts often, for example.

·       The activity of the viewer: do they view primarily videos? What content are they likely to interact with?

·       The interaction of the viewer with that type of post – is the viewer likely to interact with content provided by the poster?

Additionally, the Feed algorithm considers the likelihood that a particular interaction may occur with content. These interactions include:

·      Is the viewer likely to spend time on the post?

·      Is the viewer likely to give the post a “like”?

·      What is the likelihood of the viewer commenting on the post?

·      How likely is the viewer to save the post?

·      Is it likely that the viewer will choose to view the profile of the poster after viewing the post?

Taking this information into consideration when posting may boost your content. Consider your past content and what type of content received the most interaction when creating new posts for your audience.

3.     The timing of your posts is important, but it is not key: The feed is somewhat chronological, but not strictly chronological. It is important to pay attention to when your particular audience may be viewing content, but posts that are ranked higher by the algorithm may actually be shown before newer posts in some instances.

4.     All comments are considered interactions, but bots won’t work: It has been speculated that comments must be made within a certain time period (usually 30 minutes of posting) or must be a certain number of characters to truly count as an interaction. However, new information is available that says that is not the case. A viewer who comments on your post is more likely to see your content in their feed. Additionally, posts that receive more interaction are likely to be suggested to new viewers, so replying to comments on your posts is also important. Keep in mind that Instagram is able to “weed out” interactions by bots or comment pods, so trying to use them to get a higher post ranking won’t work.

5.     Content type does not wholly determine the ranking: The feed algorithm does not favor videos over photos based simply upon the type of content. However, videos do usually receive longer view time and more interaction, meaning that videos often perform better than photos. If you find this to be true of your posts as well, it may be a good idea to incorporate more video content into your page. 


Work with the Algorithms

Now that you have a bit more information about Instagram algorithms and how they work, take a look at your Instagram content. Perhaps there are things you can adjust to allow your content to become more consistent with the algorithm and improve your overall performance on Instagram.


Do you usually post a particular type of content (photo vs video)?


What are a few changes you can make to help your content become more visible on Instagram?


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